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Southern Magnolia LNC consults on a wide array of cases, utilizing their knowledge and understanding of medical and health-related issues to make your job easier and more effective.


Assessing and Analyzing Medical Records and Case Reports

  • Screen cases for merit

  • Identify and review relevant medical records and hospital policies and procedures

  • Organize, summarize, interpret, translate medical records

  • Chronologies of case content

  • Identify applicable standards of care and noted deviations

  • Identify causation and damages, and contributing factors

  • Screen for medical record tampering

  • Develop written reports

  • Independent Medical Examinations and Defense Medical Examinations attendance with reports and recordings (state permitting)

Provide Research, Validity, and Case Coordination

  • Integrate standards of care and clinical practice guidelines

  • Validating research used by all parties

  • Independent medical exam (IMEs) coordination

  • Life care planning assistance

  • Be a medical resource to the attorney


Function as the Attorney’s Liaison

  • Plaintiff and defense client interviews

  • Key witness and expert interviews

  • Consult with other healthcare professionals

  • Become a liaison for the attorney to other parties, healthcare professionals, consulting and testifying experts, witnesses, etc.

Work with Experts and Other Witnesses

  • Expert witness location, coordination and communication

  • Witness report analysis and comparison

  • Locate and collaborate with testifying experts

  • Deposition and trial prep for witnesses and experts

Work with Experts

Assist with Discovery and Court Preparation

  • Prepare deposition and trial questions, interrogatories

  • Review, analyze and summarize depositions

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